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25th April 2009 - Trevithick day - Trevithick's dance, Camborne

Trevithick day celebrates the industrial heritage of the Camborne area.

At 2.30pm is the traditional Trevithick's day dance. Lead by Camborne Town band, the dancers are people who live or work in Camborne. They are dressed in the Cornish colours of yellow and black.

Trevithick's dance Trevithick's dance

Traditionally the dancers were followed up the main streets by steam engines of all shapes and sizes.

Trevithick's dance Trevithick's dance

The dance goes along Trelowarren Street.

Trevithick's dance Trevithick's dance

Trevithick's dance Trevithick's dance

Trevithick's dance Trevithick's dance

The small steam engines still follow, their larger brothers have their own parade at 3.15pm.

Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers

Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers

Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers Small steam engines following Trevithick's dancers

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