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26th April 2008 - Gorseth Kernow proclamation - Lady of the Flowers

The Lady of Flowers.

Escorted by the Sword Bearer, Bard Pol Hodge, the Lady of the Flowers presents a sheaf of flowers and corn to the Grand Bard, symbolising God's gifts to Mankind.

Lady of Flowers Lady of Flowers Christie Phillips and her attendants Florence Hocking and Amelia Dingle

Local girl Christie Phillips takes the role of the Lady of the Flowers, with her two attendants, Florence Hocking and Amelia Dingle.

Lady of Flowers Lady of Flowers Lady of Flowers

Speaking in Cornish to the Grand Bard the Lady of the Flowers tells her:-

My a dhek blejyow Gwaynten, rohow Dew dhe dus an bys. Blejvow tek, yth on lowen y'n dor arta bos gwelys. Degemereugh rak henna avel offryn an tos-ma abarth an olas Kernow.

Flowers of the spring here I bear, gifts of God to sons of men. Glad we are when flowers fair, in the earth are seen again. Accept them here, this offering dear, as from the hearth of Cornwall.

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