Fozimage - Masthead - Zeller Zee boats

11th November 2009 - Granite island Penguins and sunset

As dusk fell we walked over the causeway from Victor Harbor which stretches out into Encounter Bay to Granite island.

We were joining the evening penguin tour. Granite island is the home to a colony of Little Penguins "Eudyptula minor". The tour follows the boardwalk around the visitor centre.

Granite island cafe and boardwalk

Granite island cafe and boardwalk

Whilst waiting for the tour to start we were treated to a colourful sunset.

Granite island sunset

Looking East towards Port Eliott there were vivid purples and blues,

Granite island sunset Granite island sunset

Granite island sunset

There were golden reflections on the water.

Granite island sunset

The penguins who have been out at sea all day fishing return to thier burrows after dusk.

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

On the tour we are not allowed to use a camera flash and the guides use a red coloured torch as the penguins eyes are easily damaged by bright light.

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

So these images were taken handheld at 1600ISO using a 135-400 zoom - quite a challenge to focus and keep still!

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

Earlier in the day we visited the penguin centre where they look after orphaned chicks.

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

When we last visited Granite island five years earlier there were over 700 individuals and we were shocked to learn that in five years this number has reduced to under 200!

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

The little penguins are also known as Blue or Fairy Penguins. Adults stand 35cm tall and they weigh 1.2kg.

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

We believe one of the reasons for the decline in penguin numbers is a rise in the resident fur seal population.

Granite island penguins Granite island penguins Granite island penguins

after the tour we returned to Victor.

Causeway back to Victor Harbor

More information on these penquins can be found on the Granite island website.

<<- November 2009 ->>

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