Fozimage - Masthead - Zeller Zee boats

4th November 2009 - Second Valley - South Australia

Second valley is the next valley North from Rapid Bay on the Fleurieu peninsula, South Australia.

Located 91 kilometres south of Adelaide, Second Valley is divided into two parts - the old mill on the main road

Second Valley Second Valley

which leads to a sandy beach,

Second Valley Second Valley

and a tiny coastal jetty reminiscent of a Cornish fishing port.

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

The colours of the rock formnations in the cliff face are wonderful.

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

Second Valley Second Valley

There are still remants from the old working port.

Second Valley Second Valley

<<- November 2009 ->>

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