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10th November 2007 - Eden

During the winter months Eden sets up a covered ice rink in the ampitheatre in front of the two biomes.

On Fridays and Saturdays the site stays open to 9pm and as darkness falls we get a different view of Eden and the biomes.

Eden biomes at dusk Eden biomes at night

Eden ice rink Eden biomes at night

At night the plants in the humid rainforest biome take on a more graphic quality.

Eden - rainforest biome Eden - rainforest biome

Eden - rainforest biome Eden - rainforest biome

Accross in the Mediterranian biome the lights reflect in the hexagonal structures.

Eden - Mediterranian biome Eden - Mediterranian biome

The Bacchanal sculpture depicts the god of wine, also know as Dionysus or Bacchus is the image of a bull surrounded by maenads.

Eden - sculpture of Bacchus and the maenads Eden - sculpture of Bacchus and the maenads Eden - sculpture of Bacchus and the maenads

We can also find aunumnal colours.

Eden - Mediterranian biome Eden - Mediterranian biome

Outside, buildings, trees and other structures are lit in differing ways.

Eden - Mediterranian biome Eden - Mediterranian biome

I found this bench especially interesting.

Eden - Mediterranian biome Eden - Mediterranian biome

<< - November 2007 - >>

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