Fozimage - Masthead - A38

A38 Dobwalls Bypass - April 2007 - A390 Railway Bridge

Excavation work continues to create a temporary road diversion onto the A38 to allow earth to be moved to create the embankment which will take the new A390 over the London to Penzance railway line.

A390 - railway bridge A390 - Temporary road and embankment

The railway embankment is also being cleared in preparation for the embankment. A390 - Temporary road Clearing the railway embankment

A new slip road will join the A390 and you can begin to see the location of the roundabout and embankment for the flyover over the railway line. A390 - route of the new slip road A390- roundabout and embankment

<< - April 2007 - >>

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