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1st May 2007- May day in Padstow with the Obby Oss

The first day of May - the first day of summer.

The first of May is Obby Oss day in Padstow. There is a maypole in the town square.

Maypole - Padstow Maypole - Padstow Maypole - Padstow

The harbour is full of visiting yachts all flying flags.

Padstow harbour Padstow harbour Padstow harbour

The tradition of Obby Oss goes back to pagan times. There are two main Osses - the Original or Old oss (red oss) stabled at the Golden Lion Hotel and the Blue Ribbon Oss stabled at the Institute.

Blue Ribbon oss Original red oss

Each Oss has a master of ceremonies who leads the musicians, teaser and oss, followed by their supporters.

Richard Lockwood - Blue Ribbon oss - Master of Ceremony Matthew Chown - Original red oss - Master of Ceremony

The oss is lead by a teaser, who dances around the oss and prods it with a special padded stick.

Blue Ribbon Oss teaser Original Oss teaser

The pagan dance can be mystical with the rhythm of the drums and accordians playing the day song.

Blue Ribbon oss musicians Original oss musicians

The Obby Oss is draped by a black cape with a red and white painted mask. There is a man inside. The two Osses dance around various parts of the town without crossing each other’s paths until the evening, when they meet around the maypole. The Obby Oss

Each Oss has its own team of supporters who dress in white shirts and trousers. They have flowers fixed into hats or their hair. The Old Oss team wear red and white spotted handkerchiefs and the Blue Ribbon Oss, blue. Blue Ribbon oss supporters Original oss supporters

At each appearance of the Oss, the supporters and crowd join in with the verses of the day song accompanied by the drums and accordians during which the Oss is ‘teased’ by the Teaser. Old Oss teaser Old Oss teaser

After a silent pause, the Teaser places the club on the Oss, and it sinks to the ground, the crowds sing a slow verse of the day song. The drum and accordian music starts up again bringing the Oss back to life. Old Oss sinks to the ground

Click here for more images of the Blue Ribbon Oss.

Click here for more images of the Original Red Oss.

Click here for the words of the day song and a sample of the music.

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