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On Location - Sandymouth - 27 January 2005

Outdoor Photography magazine runs a feature called "On Location" where, each month, a small number of photographers are invited to join a professional photographer for a day's shoot. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet like minded people, discuss photography and watch and learn from a professional.

I have several books by Charlie Waite, Joe Cornish and David Ward so I was excited to receive a telephone call inviting me to join David Ward for an afternoon at Sandymouth Beach near Bude in North Cornwall.

David Ward at Sandymouth David Ward at Sandymouth

The challenge is to select your best image taken that day and send it to the Outdoor Photography team for David's critique.

I chose this image. One of the first I took that day, I was attracted to the boulder in the foreground and the receding "V" shapes in the rock layers behind.


David's critique was published in the April 2005 edition of the magazine.

With the light changing all the time I decided to take close up details of the rocks.

Sandymouth Sandymouth

One of the attractions of Sandymouth is the incredible range of rock types and textures.

Sandymouth Sandymouth


I am hoping to publish pages from Outdoor Photography here.

All images © Ian Foster / fozimage

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